TMJ Dysfunctions Systemic Implications and Postural Assessments: A Review of Recent Literature


by Sergio Sambataro 1Gabriele Cervino 1Salvatore Bocchieri 1Rosario La Bruna 2 and Marco Cicciù 1,*1Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morphological and Functional Imaging, Messina University, 98100 Messina, Italy2Private Practice, 89100 Reggio Calabria, Italy*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol.20194(3), 58; 19 June 2019 / Revised: 9 August 2019 / Accepted: 16 August 2019 / Published: 19 August 2019(This article belongs to the Special Issue TMJ Dysfunctions and Systemic Correlations)View Full-TextDownload PDFBrowse FiguresCite This Paper


Cases of correlations between posture and the temporomandibular joint have long been reported in the literature. In particular, occlusal anomalies, and therefore malocclusion, could have negative implications for the spine. The objective of this study was to review the literature and bring to light any correlations between temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and posturology. The literature search was conducted in the PubMed and Embase scientific search engines with the aim of obtaining the most possible results in the initial search, the number of results initially obtained was 263. Subsequently, the inclusion and exclusion criteria were reduced first to 83 and subsequently to manual analysis of the articles, those included remained only 11. The results show a correlation between anomalies of the TMJ and dysfunctions of the vertebral column. Not all the articles considered are in agreement with each other regarding epidemiological data, but surely this study can represent an important starting point for a much more careful evaluation of the dental patient and at the same time for the request for counseling by a dentist in case of postural abnormalities. View Full-TextKeywords: TMJspinal cordcervicalvertebradentistrymalocclusionorthodonticgnatologicphysiotherapyorthopedic▼ Show Figures

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