Understanding and adjusting

Source: Understanding and adjusting

Latest news, events and updates from The Migraine Trust
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Understanding and adjusting

We hope you are all safe and well. The change to our lives is affecting us in many ways. It is important to understand these changes as we can then start to manage them.

Here is some information that we hope will help you at this time.

We also want to say thank you for supporting the migraine community and our charity at this time. We can’t think of a time when the community has needed each other as much and it is wonderful to see so much support and solidarity at this very difficult time.

Migraine and stress

Our survey into the impact of Covid-19 on migraine found that a significant number of people’s migraine has worsened. The main reason that people attributed it to was stress.

If stress is affecting your migraine, you might find it helpful to read this article by Dr Manuela Fontebasso about managing migraine and stress during the pandemic.

Friends and family show their support

A huge thank you to all the friends and family of people with migraine who have given something up for a month for the #GiveUpForMigraine campaign to support and show them solidarity.

There has been a fantastic response from friends and family, and there’s a great range of things that people are giving up. Simon is giving up processed sugar and sweet treats altogether for a month as his mother gets migraine. While Frances is very specific in what she is giving up – Rioja – as a close friend gets migraine. Thank you all!

Please encourage your friends and family to take part! You can find out more about the campaign and how to take part here.

Distinguishing what is and isn’t a trigger

Do you know what your migraine triggers are? It can be hard to identity them. Gemma Jolly, our Information and Support Services Manager, has written a blog about distinguishing what is and isn’t a migraine trigger.

Thanks for your support!

The pandemic has had a catastrophic effect on the UK’s charities with the cancellation of thousands of events and the loss of billions in income through fundraising events.

We have been affected by this with the cancellation and postponement of events. It has also coincided with an increase if demand for our support from people whose migraine has worsened and many who are struggling to access care and treatment.

That’s why we are so grateful to everyone who supported our recent appeal. There has been an incredible response which will help us continue our work.

If you’d like to support our appeal, you can make a donation here. Anything you can give would make a huge difference.

Save the date!

We are delighted that our Migraine Trust International Symposium (MTIS) will be taking place virtually this year. It will be taking place from 3-9 October.

This means that our MTIS Public Day will now take place on Sunday 11 October.

We are just finalising the programme and will share it and details about registering for a place in the next ebulletin, but save the date if you are interested in taking part!

New trustees

We are delighted to announce that we have four new trustees who bring a wealth of expertise about migraine into our charity.

They are leading migraine specialist Professor Peter Goadsby, Wendy Thomas, our former chief executive, Dr Kay Kennis and Dr Louise Rusk, who are both GPs with special interest in headache. You can read about their appointments and the first of a series of blogs about why they are joining the board and the key parts of our new strategy that they will champion here.

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