Chronic Migraine


Common Traps of Chronic Migraine

Chronic migraine affects 10% of people who have migraine, and migraine affects 12% of the population.

A classification of chronic migraine requires at least 15 days of headache
per month for three months, and at least half of those days — therefore at least eight of those days — the headaches meet criteria for migraine, either with or without aura.

When you get to a point where you are continually needing acute medication, it is often a signal that you need to be on a preventive medication.

Two risk factors for chronic migraine are a high baseline frequency (high number of attacks per month) and overuse of acute or symptomatic medications.

This can lead to a whole vicious cycle of taking pain medications, and then getting more migraine attacks, which may lead to changes in the brain. At some point many of those people will cross the threshold into chronic migraine.

Anxiety and depression can be risk factors. Major life stressors can be risk factors. And then sometimes it just happens, and we really don’t know why.”

Migraines and Headaches further reading.


• Know your triggers, monitor your caffeine intake, get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, and eat regular, healthy meals to help prevent chronic migraine.

• Be diligent about maintaining a headache diary

• Give your specialist as much information as possible regarding your attacks so you can be properly treated; doctors and specialists need the whole picture.

• It’s important to be informed about your medications and know when and how to use them correctly.

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