Hand and Elbow Pain

Complexity of hand muscles found in the forearm

Hand and Elbow Pain

Wrist, Elbow and Forearm Pain can  often be relieved with gentle manual treatment by Osteopaths depending on the cause.


Heavy usage of shears when cutting hedges, long car drives gripping steering wheels, beginners riding horses, newcomers to tennis. Most things requiring a heavy and tight hand grip can make the forearm muscles overwork. Sometime later the attachments of the muscles in both the hand and Elbow can lead to a rheumatic soreness around the joints. By understanding the anatomy and knowledgeable experience palpating the tissues allow the Osteopath to return the complex tissues to a relaxed state allowing the pain to dissolve.

For an appointment SMS- 07841576335  email- david@theosteopath.net

Forearm Stretches in the workplace

Working on a computer all day can also cause soreness in your forearms, wrists and hands. To prevent or reduce stiffness and pain, try simple forearm stretches and wrist stretches throughout the day.

For the first stretch, lift one of your arms and hold it comfortably in front of you — palm facing down. Bend your hand downward and gently pull it toward you using your other hand. You’ll feel tension in the outside part of your elbow and forearm. This area is where you may experience repetitive strain due to typing on a computer. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Relax and return to the starting position and repeat the stretch with your other hand.

Next, lift one of your arms and hold it comfortably in front of you — palm facing up. Bend your hand downward and gently pull it toward you using your other hand. You’ll feel tension in your forearm and elbow. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Relax and return to the starting position and repeat the stretch with your other hand.

Next, extend your arms in front of you with your hands in fists. Rotate your wrists outward, then inward in a circular motion. This stretch can improve blood flow to your hands.

When you’re stretching, keep it gentle. Breathe freely as you hold each stretch and be careful not to bounce. Expect to feel tension while you’re stretching. If you feel pain, you’ve gone too far.

Osteoarthritis or wear and tear in the joints of the hand and the elbow may be the sole cause of your symptoms and may also benefit from treatment and advice from an Osteopath.

X-rays, scans and other tests are sometimes required to make a diagnosis and your osteopath may refer to your GP or a specialist for any additional investigations or treatment.

For further advice or make an appointment email david@theosteopath.net

Telephone SMS 07841576335

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